October 26, 2010

What Hath Toronto Wrought?

Photo Aaron Lynett/National Post
For those in Toronto and those not, feast your eyes upon who we voted for for Mayor. Here is Rob Ford at his mature, mindful, compassionate best. Toronto can say goodbye to advances in public transit and any kind of positive reputation built up over the years.  Diane at Things We Love 2 forwarded the link to these videos. Thank you Diane. Hold on tight. We're in for a bumpy ride.

Notice how the councillor in front cringes.

Boring at the beginning but watch this one to the bitter end if you can. He's a bully.


secretfragileskies said...

CRaZy knows no borders.

Giulia said...

And I was thinking of moving there? Dude, I can get that here. Every day. I thought that unless Canadians were holding a hockey stick (or in my apt. bldg cheering on the Canadian team, ahem), they were reasonably sane & polite.

Seriously. I used to cover a guy who was quite similar...he would call my ofc & shriek in my ear. It took him years to figure out that I did the old 'put the receiver on the desk & catch up on filing'...

What is this guy's problem, whom does he represent (before becoming mayor)? When is he sworn in?

The Clever Pup said...

Giulia, He's a right wing guy who's whole tirade is "respect the taxpayer" He wants to cut 22 of the 44 council seats. That should make him even more popular.

He wants to pull up street car tracks. He lies. He said painting a bike line cost 6 million. It cost $60,000 and so on and so on. He has crazy ideas about Aids. And he threatened to kill his wife. My son who is so very smart, is staggered. What do people see in him. Noah says he's like Greg Stillson in the Dead Zone, much like Sarah Palin is to me.

Giulia said...

Oh, I got that he's a right-wing. He also seems disturbed. He's also nonsensical - that screech against bike lanes was absurd. This type does not care about facts. It's just that sad & simple.

When is he being sworn in?

The Clever Pup said...

Dec 1st apparently

Anonymous said...

Oh, my. Oh, dear. Dare I say that I hope he gets hit by a cyclist, goes broke and ends up in a homeless shelter? There, there, dear.

Hels said...

He is a foul mouthed and violent bully, so who voted for him? All the citizens of Toronto or just the town councillors?

I have spent a large part of my adult life travelling around the world and have loved many places. But the only place I thought looked, sounded and felt exactly like home (Melbourne) was Toronto.

Poor poor Toronto :(

The Clever Pup said...

Hels, 47% of voters elected him. I just can't understand it. The councillors are already living in fear and those that remain are setting up a coalition to work around him.

Unknown said...

Joseph de Maistre said "Every country has the government it deserves (Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle mérite").
The people of Toronto voted this man in - 47% is a remarkable turnout for a municipal election. It shows an obvious disatisfaction for the status quo.
It will be interesting to watch over the next 4 years.