April 22, 2009

Theme Thursday - Fire

“There are betrayals in war that are childlike compared with our human betrayals during peace. The new lover enters the habits of the other. Things are smashed, revealed in a new light. This is done with nervous or tender sentences, although the heart is an organ of fire.”

“Though the heart is an organ of fire” I love that...I believe that.

When I heard that theme for Thursday was to be about fire, the first thing that popped into my head was the scene from the English Patient in which the patient’s caregiver, Hana, reads aloud from his diary.

For those who don’t know, the title character in Michael Ondaatje’s 1992 novel is not English at all, but a sort of citizen-of-the-world. He is critically burned fulfilling a final obligation to his love. Slowly, before he dies, he remembers his life and his final love affair.

The English Patient is one of my all time favourite books and films. I would recommend it to anyone.

Though not quite the same words as the book, here is the scene from the movie.

Ondaatje, Michael, The English Patient, Vintage Books, Canada, 1992


Giulia said...

I just knew it.

Tess Kincaid said...

Mine, too!! I recognized the handwriting before I even realized what your post was about. "An organ of fire." Perfect fire post!

Liza B. Gonzalez said...

"the heart is an organ of fire"...it warms the soul and fires your passions. I BELIEVE THAT!!!

Janette Kearns Wilson said...

Gosh you are so clever with your ability to recall at will special words from books and films....they fade into the ether for me with just a shadow of the intent left in my brain...and also being able to download the film just like that.....what magic

Rinkly Rimes said...

I've neither read the book nor seen the film, but your snippit is tantalising.

Brian Miller said...

organ of fire.. great post. thanks for the encouragement as well. hope you have a great weekend!

Anna said...

Wow-that post hits home for me. I guess I'll have to watch that movie. I totally lost it yesterday and threw my cell phone, due to an issue of the heart. Time for a movie and a bottle of wine.
Beautiful, as always!

Dakota Bear said...

I have neither read the book nor seen the movie. I like the line "the heart is an organ of fire" it leaves me with a lot to think about.

Thank you for stopping by. Yes, the pictures were taken by me form the balcony of my room at the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay in San Diego, CA in October 2008.

Wings1295 said...

Interesting. Never read the book or saw the movie, myself.

Colette Amelia said...

That was a great film indeed! I didn't think Ralph Fienes could look bad in any film but man it was painful to see him burnt like that! That is one of my biggest fears...to be burnt. Must have been a witch in a previous life and been burnt at the stake.

DineometerDeb said...

That was a great movie. I mostly remember the swinging on the rope in the dark room with a candle scene.

Anonymous said...

First off, before I forget, since I saw you in someone else's comments asking for help: the comments link for this post doesn't show up on the main page, but once I clicked the permalink in the title, it's all just fine in here. What's going on there, I haven't a clue, just thought you should know.

Now, The English Patient. Aaaah...I seem to have a problem with...um...non-action movies that deal with the intricacies of feelings and relationships, etc., unless I'm watching in a theatre and completely alone, which never happens any more. So my wife exposed me to that one, on the tv screen, and it looks like a high quality masterpiece of film...but I couldn't sit through it.
But you've done a really good fire post with it. I didn't have any idea that line was in there, of course. So this one was surprising. Nice. Maybe I'll put on the headphones, pretend I'm in a theatre alone, and watch that clip...

Sandra Leigh said...

Great take on the Thursday theme. I haven't watched the film, but I will, now, on your recommendation (and because Ralph Fiennes can do no wrong!)

Anonymous said...

Heart touching. I'd forgotten about that book.

Mrsupole said...

I just could never bring myself to watch this movie. I am not sure if I ever can, due to the being burnt in a fire thing. I have this great fear that is what is going to happen to me someday. I think it goes back to seeing a fire when I was very little. And being burnt many times on the pilot light on our stove when younger.

I have never thought of a heart being an organ or fire, but it makes total sense.

Thank you for sharing this with us. Someday I might be able to read the book.

God bless.

Nabeel said...

love your penmanship :)

Mrs.B said...

Not sure if you'll read this as I'm new to your blog and I've been reading some of your older posts.
I agree that the English Patient is a beautiful film as are all Anthony Mingella's movies. You must see Breaking and Entering. It's also by Mingella but it somehow didn't get the recognition it deserves.