I dream of visiting Monet's pink house and fabulous gardens at Giverny. Maybe one day I will. Maybe one day, in the not too distant future, I'll leave my guys in a musty Paris bookshop while I take the train up to the village of Vernon where Giverny is located.
I had secreted away this "flowering calendar" with hope of replicating my own private Giverny in my sliver of a Toronto garden. No such luck. But it's a start.
If you're interested, here's a list of the plants and flowers the green thumbs at Giverny grow during the seasons. More information can be found at www.giverny.org. The top picture is courtesy of their website. Second picture is my little garden.
Flowering calendar in Claude Monet's garden
Tulips, pansies, forget-me-nots, narcissi, aubrietas, cherry and crab-apple blossom, fritillaries, daffodils, etc
Irises, peonies, rhododendrons, geraniums, wisterias, azaleas, wallflowers, daisies, delphiniums
Roses, poppies, clematis, Tamaris
Roses, nasturtiums, ageratums, zinnias, nicotianas, busy lizzies, verbenas, dahlias, rudbeckias, salvias, primulinus gladiolus, cleomes, cosmos, sunflowers, helianthus, hollyhocks... Beginning of water lilies
Dahlias, cosmos, hibiscus, etc (see July) End of water lilies
Nasturtiums carpet the Grande Allée, Asters, dahlias, cosmos, rudbeckias
Dahlias All the annual flowers untill frost.
I would love to visit this garden too, so beautiful. Thanks for your comment.
I don't brag about my collage escapades to my friends either. They already think I mad enough!!
Oh yes, you must go to Giverny!
Glorious, thanks for bringing it to us...and thankyou for droppimh by mine too!!
Ah, lovely. So green and lush. I need a little infusion of this right about now. What's it like in Canada? Gray and dirty? The chickadees have been making noise, though, and I did see Canada geese at the golf course the other day.
Thanks CP for the links to those other blogs--Color Me Blogg and the Red House. Really enjoyed them.
Yes, gray and dirty. We're experiencing a thaw so all the garbage is coming to light. Yuck. How's Montana? Much the same?
I have dreamed of visiting some day. I will take the time soon to read your detailed blog. Beautiful!
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