My husband likes Bob Dylan very much. I think he’s got everything ever recorded by him, legit or not. Together we’ve seen Dylan about 5 times.

Always one to break the mold, he asked me if I would keep my eye out for an iconic Bob Dylan-style polka-dot shirt for him. I looked for years but I’ve had no luck except to find 3 for myself.

In my neighbourhood lives a man who looks a little like Dylan; shortish with a mop of curly graying hair plus bushy sideburns and a predominant nose. He’s aware of the resemblance because every day he dresses like Dylan circa 1964 - wearing men’s boots with Spanish heels, the ubiquitous Ray-Bans, and tight little black blazers over top of a selection of Dylanesque polka-dot shirts. So that’s where all the polka-dot shirts went! He's been one step ahead of me all the way!

He’s always in costume. When he’s not in Dylan polka-dots, he and his girlfriend dress up like the cover of Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan.

In the meantime, I’ve changed my mind about buying my husband a polka-dot shirt. After all, one can’t stay forever young.
Thanks to new-pony.com for the pictures.
Bob Dylan! Now there's a unique slant on the topic! Bravo!
oh buy the polka dots and cling to the young as long as you can. smiles. happy tt!
I hope that someday your husband gets his Bob Dylan shirt. I would imagine that there are not that many available because I do not think I ever see any men wearing them.
And you two are very lucky to have seen Dylan 5 times. You rock!!!
Happy TT. Loved the dots.
God bless.
Yeah, Tupper in polka dots isn't so great! But hey, if you resemble someone so fun, you might as well play it up, huh? Maybe I should try to be a bit more Deppish? Maybe the pirate look?
Very funny post! Just popped in to read it and say thanks for following my blog
Great link. Never would have made it - Dylan and Tupper. Were they both on their own, like a rolling stone?
I'd forgotten all about Dylan and his polka-dot shirts. Thanks for reminding me.
Interesting fun twist on TT.
My husband is also a Dylan freak and ditto on the recordings. I have to say, never noticed the polka dot fetish til you wrote this. Have to send to my husband and see what he says as he's never mentioned it either but he would never wear dots!
I still think you should continue your quest for the "right" polka dot shirt for your husband...he is a TRUE fan!
I have one word if he still wants the polka dot shirt: ebay
Nice focus on the theme; I had no idea Dylan had so many polka dot shirts...
The biggest surprise to me about your story~a grown man who daily wears a costume has a girlfriend. There really is someone for everybody.
Happy TT and thank you for stopping by.
Ah, that was good. I am a Dylan fan too - saw him at a very small venue last summer.
I say, leave polka dots for women's clothing. I would like to find a sleevless, polka dotted top with small collar and buttons, that ties at the bottom... lets go RETRO! Dylan as fashion icon? questionable! but a smile is always worth something :-)
This was great, Hazel! Your Dylan look-alike sounds like a guy I once dated. (Not the Charles Tupper version!)
I agree. There's a point at which you have to say, I can't wear this anymore. (Now if I could just get my husband to stop saying, "Awesome!".)
Well...I'm on hubby's side. Everyone should enjoy something they've dreamed of - at least once. (I bought myself a Honda Metropolitan - in lieu of the Vespa I always wanted after watching Audrey Hepburn putt around Rome on one.) Very fun post.
Excellent PolkaDotPost, Hazel!
You inspired me to bring out a few dots of my own ... .
and I linked to your post.
Hmmm...you've got me thinking. My Mr. Sugar Plum is from Canada, he's also in his 50's, is a huge Dylan fan (he dragged me to a concert a few years ago), and he has that dang polka dot fetish. This just might explain the whole thing:)
Awesome reference. I hadn't noticed the polka dot fetish either. Great job! Happy TT
now wait, probably someone already said this but according to bob you can stay forever young!!!
I totally forgot about bob's (former?) fondness for polka dots!!!!! thanks for the memory nudge.
GREAT contribution to TT!!! love, love, love it!
LOL, never noticed Dylan was such a polka dot loving guy...
And a genius songwriter, too.
ha, what a character. Great funny TT post!
Haha . . .crazy stuff. Dylan did like his dots. I don't know, I think the older you get, the more eccentric you should be allowed to become!
Now I have to subdue an inclination to imagine polka dots when I listen to Dylan...
I'll be back when I can say something funny, preferably from lyrics (Dylan refers to shirts & clothing--a lot). But I laughed at your post & enjoyed it. Reminded me that once I wore a large (on me) polka dotted man's shirt over some tights. A friend, with whom I'd seen Dylan many times, said, "Wow, with that shirt & your boots, you look like Bobby." NO I DID NOT. Of course, to this guy it would've been a high compliment. But to a (sort of) cool 29 year old woman it was not appreciated (as much as I love Bob):)
Polka-dot Lover
There is something to be said for knowing when to move on. BTW, how did you add that ''might also like" feature. That is pretty cool.
oops, I found your link for that. Thanks! Happy theme thursday.
First time here. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I must say, love, love love the post. I'm a Dylan fan myself (not to die hard of course), saw him twice. Did not know about his polka dot thing though!
Oh, what a fun and clever post! Love that your hubs wants the dotted shirt...too cute!
My son, Alex, loves Rupert Bear, btw. :)
My father was a Bob Dylan fan as well. There are a few songs of his that I do like. Did he not record the song Sneeky Snake? :)
Well I m giving you the award for the most intriguing polka dot post with a unique angle too. I really really loved this post and reading about your neighbour's Dylan thing. Funny to think he might have been grabbing any available polka dot shirts. There's always the internet though but then again, I think your hubs has it right--time to move on if hes a bit too portly to pul it off. Indeed even Dylan himself doesn't dress that way anymore. I never knew he actually wore polk adots until now. how interesting.
Who Bob Dylan. That white people music?
excellent post!
s'true i think, some people just shouldn;t wear polka dots
(including me, btw)
I love Bob Dylan. Never noticed how much he loved dots till you posted this. lol
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