January 8, 2010

Comic Relief (featuring Daniel Craig, shhh)

Some girls have all the breaks! Here's something funny from the Beeb.

Thanks BBC


Alistair said...


I'll bet the next time I come through the blogosphere there will be a raft of oohing and aahing comments from your female readers.

{Take that smug wee smile off your face C-Pup}

And you say us guys are one track!!!

We are not just pieces of meat to be lusted after, are we guys!!!!

Shame on you.......


{laughs like drain!}

tony said...

Alistair!You Make Being "pieces of meat to be lusted after." Sound Like A Bad Thing.......

Giulia said...

Well, I certainly don't want to disappoint Alistair, so SQUEAL. Also, thanks for the laughs. I actually did laugh out loud. Much needed & appreciated, Pup.


Susan & GG

verification word - catisti - must make something up about it:)

Rinkly Rimes said...

I've just woken up and that's really set me right for the day! What a brilliant piece. I've never heard of the actress. (I had heard of the 'fella') I must keep her in mind. Thank you.

The Clever Pup said...

Hi Rinkly, er, I mean Brenda. Catherine Tate was Dr. Who's sidekick in 2008 although I've never seen her in anything else.

Alistair said...


It's a stance I take cos its never happened to me {sob}

C- Pup, Catherine Tate is best known as a comedienne - she has had her own sketch show in the Uk for several years.

Mrsupole said...

Oh my, this was hilarious. Thouroughly enjoyed.

Thanks for this.

God bless.