January 19, 2011


Take the last two digits of the year you were born and add them to the age you will turn this year. You'll get 111.

Last year it was 110, next year it will be 112. Why?


Lorenzo — Alchemist's Pillow said...

Because, if x stands for the last two digits of the year you were born, then in 111 you will be (100 - x) + 11 years old, and:

111 = 111
111 = 111 + x - x
111 = x + 111 - x
111 = x + [111 - x]
111 = x + [110 - x + 11]
111 = x + [(110 -x) + 11]

Similar for 110 = 110 and 112 = 112

How poetic, ¿no?

There has to be something warped and twisted about someone who comments in response to this, but not to your wonderful series on Paris and Giverny and Van Gogh's grave ... Guilty as accused ;)

The Clever Pup said...

Well I DID ask why, but I wasn't expecting a response. I knew I should have paid more attention in algebra. .Thanks Lorenzo.

Lorenzo — Alchemist's Pillow said...

You didn't miss much by not paying attention. I see I made a mistake above: where I wrote "then in 111 you will be...", I meant to say "then in 2011 you will be ..."

Brian Miller said...

dang whose got a big brain...lorenzo's got a big brain...lol