March 13, 2010

Sepia Saturday - Old Orchard, 1930

Recently, when my father-in-law, died we came into possession of my husband's grandfather's papers and photographs.

Some of the early photos are simply awesome; showing my husband's Grandparents as a young, frivolous couple.

Several times in their young married life they ventured from their home in Montreal to the seaside at Old Orchard, Maine. They forged friendships there that lasted for decades.

The pictures featured here today were taken on the Brownie shown above. However, Nana, below seems to be using a smaller folding model. Please click on any of the pictures for more detail.

I love my grandmother-in-law's bathing costume. Is it an original Jantzen? Here's a picture of the iconic Jantzen bathing suit.

And I adore the friend who looks like Charlie Chaplin sans moustache.

©Hazel Smith

For other like-minded people, please visit the other contributors to Sepia Saturday by clinking here.

Shameless self-promotion...All photos except the Jantzen models are the property of Hazel Smith. Please visit my other blog 
where repros of some of these photos are available for sale. 


Tina Tarnoff said...

these photos are amazing - the grandparents look so modern! I love it!

Martin said...

I think it can come as a shock or, in your case, a pleasant surprise, to discover pictures of grandparents as young people having fun. But there they are, for all to see. And what a handsome, fun-loving pair they look.

Barry said...

What a shock to see grandparents in their youth, acting much as young people do today.


Vicki Lane said...

Wonderful pictures! It's always a treat to see that people we knew only as old folks were actually young and did actually have fun.

Anonymous said...

Fun photos here! And the old camera is great! I have a great niece who has a nice collection of old cameras... fun stuff!
:) The Bacn

Lisa Ursu said...

I am in love with your photos.
Thanks for sharing.

Leah said...

There is something so poignant about very old photos of people gamboling on a sunny beach! Just magical.

Betsy Brock said...

I completely agree that it is so fun to see photos of our ancestors that we only knew as elderly frail people, as young and vibrant. You have some priceless ones there!

Giulia said...

Love Sepia Saturday people are having entirely too much fun:)

I agree with Tina...these are so "modern." I love that...makes them so real. Even to a stranger.


Anonymous said...

They are a handsome couple and look full of life. I love the big floppy hat she is wearing and her suit does look like the Jantzen. Very cool!

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh, gosh, I adore vintage beach photos! Theses are just amazing, Hazel. Such treasures. I thoroughly enjoyed these. Thanks for sharing them with us! (my fave is this last one)

Meri said...

What wonderful snapshots of a couple seemingly much in love. And her suit certainly does look like a Jantzen. It was a leader in swim wear at the time.

Christine H. said...

Amazing and very fun-spirited photos. The one of the three women in bathing suits is remarkable, because the bathing suite are so cute and the girls have such wonderful curvy figures.

PattyF said...

Excellent post! What a great reminder that those we only saw as older were, at one time, young and carefree. What treasures you have!

The Silver Fox said...

That guy really does look like Chaplin!

lettuce said...

those bathing suits are really fab! I'd wear one of those!

and I do love the pictures of your grandparents. I have beach photos of my grandparents, but they're not quite as informal and intimate.

Alan Burnett said...

I love the way the images seem to rise above time itself, truly capturing an instant of pleasure. Wonderful collection of photographs - I hope there are many more.

Laura in Paris said...

these pics tell a story beyond words ...

CHummelKornell said...

I am learning, as I move along into the "Golden Years", that the young person who lived in those photos doesn't go away. Although our bodies change, our souls do not. Your grandparents appear to be fun-loving people and I suspect that they remained such throughout their lives. Great photos.

TorontoVerve said...

Extraordinary pictures. Thank you for sharing.

StimmeDesHerzens said...

lovely. lovely. lovely.
And obliges us to appreciate what we have today, for it is gone tomorrow....
xtra sus.

tony said...

Those Are Really Great Photos! They Look Like Hollywood ! They Look So Relaxed & Happy!

California Girl said...

Went through Old Orchard last summer on our way north and it really hasn't changed much since your grandparents' time. It is lively, old, tacky and fun. The buildings, which may have been only slightly old when the photos were taken are really old now. What great memories to have!

Marinela said...

Thanks for sharing these great pics :)

Solid Frog said...

Very charming photographs! Have a nice weekend!