Please visit Polly to see them in more detail. Mine's bottom centre. Next month the subject is a cow named Daisy.
Polly also has released a great instructional video via mindbites.com. Here's a link to a 60 second clip of Polly showing us underpainting techniques when painting with acrylics. It's really worth the $3.99 price tag.
Painting with Acrylics: Underpainting Technique
what a cool idea. love how each persons is a bit different yet similar. perspectives...
Those are so funny and cheerful! But how was it done, they all seem from the same angle? Was everyone working from a source photo?
I guess it would have been impossible even for Trudie (who certainly seems game) to hold that great smile for a long sitting session!
We were supplied with a photo thankfully. I don't think Daisy the cow would stand still for too long. Also we're from different locations.
Loved this when you first showed "your" Trudie. A wonderful idea for community-no-matter-where-you-are. Have to lie down but you've inspired me to take a drawing book off shelf & try to use again. So frustrating not to be able to make own images...tx.
Susan, get my painting technique video that Hazel has posted in this post and it will show you a great shortcut to drawing fairly accurately (it's not just about painting).
This is fabulous! I adore all the Trudy variations. They are wonderful grouped like this. Fun!
Heehee. These are wonderful and fun. What a great idea.
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