March 14, 2009

You Ain’t Heard Nothin' Yet

The letter from the listener went something like this, “Why do you always show off on your guitar before you introduce a song? Who do you think you are?”

To which Randy answered something like this. “I’m Randy Bachman. Born in Winnipeg, and guitar player with The Guess Who and Bachman Turner Overdrive, two of Canada’s most successful bands ever. That’s who I think I am”

It was my mother who actually saw Randy Bachman live a few years ago. I, on the other hand, had to dance around the dimmed school gym in Grade 7 to a BTO record. Mum said Bachman was charming. He would play guitar a little and then pass on a tale from his personal rock and roll archives.

Randy Bachman has become quite a raconteur. His two-hour radio program, Randy’s Vinyl Tap, can be heard weekly on Canada’s commercial-free CBC Radio. Saturdays at 7:00 ET, Bachman, with guitar in hand, shares his favourite music with us. Along with his wife Denise, Bachman relates stories of life on the road, generously laced with tales about the biggest names in the music industry.

Randy’s Vinyl Tap is a real gem and most Saturday dinners we can be found listening to Randy and Denise. Bachman’s informative dialogue paired with the classic and obscure records he spins, make this a show I don’t like to see the end of.

Centred on a weekly theme, shows have run the gamut from songs that feature the bass; Motown; songs about girls; songs about cars; and the Blues influence on British Rock. One two-hour show featured the humble harmonica showcasing The Stones, Neil Young plus the Eurythmics too. Bachman’s feature on the masters of the bass guitar included The Who and the Police but also Rick James and Queen.

I always come away with a new appreciation for what I’ve heard.

Randy’s Vinyl Tap can be heard on
CBC Radio One, Saturdays from 7:00 to 9:00 ET.
Or on Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 137. Or go to here to listen online

Image of Randy Bachman: Canwest News Service


Dave King said...

Liked the anecdote - and appreciated the background info.

Polly said...

I have a confession to make - I've never heard of Randy Bachman... I'm going to correct it as soon as possible. Thanks! Polly

The Clever Pup said...

Polly, Hi.

The Guess Who is known world over but I wasn't so sure how well Bachman Turner Overdrive was known.

Dot-Com said...

Never heard of Randy Bachman, but will be sure to check out the music.

Tess Kincaid said...

Randy Bachman is new to me. Sounds like a delightful Saturday program!

Giulia said...

Thanks for the blast from the past...& now the present. I'll try to get a decent connex online (dial-up, grrr..but I can get the BBC, so...). Terrific anecdote. Always looking for radio programs...good weekend to all.

xo, Susan

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Randy Bachman. He was part of my children's life and the concert I saw in Parry Sound was the best. Us oldies have to keep," Taking care of Business".