March 19, 2009

Marchesa Luisa Casati #2

While I am honoured and surprised that the proprietors of the Marchesa Casati Archives somehow managed to visit my little site, I have had to remove an image at their behest. Best visit their website for more pictures.


Ima Wizer said...

This is a fabulous post! Thank you for the information! What a character!

Danielle Simpson said...

The Marchesa Casati painting by Augustus John is one of my favourites, too. Before the AGO closed for the transformation, they exhibited a set of paintings chosen by patrons.

The Marchesa was there. John Polyani commented that the Marchesa reminded him of his wife, Brenda Bury, a well-known Toronto artist.

Thanks for sharing this post with us - I had no idea she was painted by others and she certainly has an interesting history.

The Clever Pup said...

Brenda Bury

Penney said...

Wow! This is a perfect example of a beautiful woman in a beautiful hat..
Thank you..

Mya.L said...

I love this painting by Giovanni Boldini and didn't even know it was La Marquise Casati... but now seeing the eyes, yes, of course, I should have realised she was that very same woman photographed by Man Ray!