January 6, 2010

Poor Old CN Tower

photo George Fischer

AP Photo

Toronto's CN Tower lost its "tallest free-standing structure in the world" status to Dubai's new 206-storey Burj Khalifa. But according to Craig Glenday, editor-in-chief of Guinness World Records, the 553-metre structure will now be known as the world's tallest tower (for now).

Would you like to live on floor 108? I believe that's as high as the residences go.


  1. blimey, eh?

    I'd like to look at the view for a while, but not to live there.

    Happpy new year!!

  2. Chuh... the CN Tower still rocks!

  3. I never knew about this tower.....wow!
    What is it about the need to build so tall? From Ziggerats to this, amazing.

  4. Dubai's "tallest building"* is just that...forever appended with an asterisk/quotation marks. Live on any floor there? Egad. The dictionary has a photo of current Dubai next to "wretched excess" - which is a nice way of putting it. (Sorry to people who are from there but you know exactly what I'm talking about.) I look forward to visiting your CN Tower some day.

  5. i'd rather stay ib toronot's one honestly. No desire to go to Dubai--too hot. And no, I would not want to live that high, thank you very much. Love that amazing comparison chart. Whoa.

  6. I found the story about this building quite amazing. I would not like to live in it!


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