December 6, 2009

Recent Acquisitions

An overcast Thursday found G-pup and me in Mrs. Huizenga's - an eponymously-named vintage mecca on Roncesvalles here in Toronto.

Not intending to buy anything, let alone clothes in this second-hand shop, my eyes fell upon a turquoise-blue pea jacket and after deciding to buy that (it was $28) I found a vintage velvet coat in the most amazing shade of red. So here I am like a plump bird ready for winter.

A couple of years ago I bought this saucy jug from Mrs. Huizenga's.

If it had had a lid and a dolphin spigot, it would have been worth hundreds. I paid $38. It's a dutch chocolate pot from the 18th century. It has a lovely patina and an attitude that goes for miles. I love its anthropomorphic posture.


  1. You look fab in both coats, Pup. Wish I'd had the same luck on Thursday as I tried on coat after coat in a boring dept. store (my vintage coats are too snug & I don't want to ruin them this winter). I left in disgust, still wrapped in an old thrift raincoat...admittedly, over new cashmere cardigan. But still. Mimph. The chocolate pot is charming & amusing sounds like you have excellent luck at Mrs. Huizenga's.

    ciao-meow & so good to see your post this a.m. We had snow yesterday & last night!


  2. dear ms elder pupchen

    ahh nothing like bright colors bringing warmth, on a grey day, grey over here too, a storm is in the offing. there will be refreshing rain after such a dry summer here ...

    and love the saucy pot-chen, definitly has a heartwarming attitude!
    sending you good vibes on a grey sunday

  3. I like that red coat a lot, but the turquoise jacket is simply stunning!

  4. SCORE TIMES TWO! In one trip. Nice.

  5. Great colours!

    Gotta love that jug's confident pose
    .... of course I mean the chocolate pot

  6. Love the coats! I have a nearly-identical red velvet coat, which I wore as part of my "wedding ensemble" two years ago. One of my workmates found it in a consignment shop, had it repaired and cleaned, and gave it to me for my birthday.

  7. LOL at Diane's comment and Rouchwalwe's, they are both so right!


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