December 11, 2009

I Was So Much Older Then; I'm Younger Than That Now

Why, oh why didn't I have money when I was younger. I surely wished I was 20-something when I walked into Original, a super-funky dress/shoe/gift emporium at 515 Queen Street West in Toronto.

I was having a very productive Christmas-shopping day and wandered into Original. Wow! What drew me in originally was the Earth Shoes. (I'm a fan) but this was just a tiny fraction of their crazy selection. Flats to high-heeled pumps to serious 8-inch high platform clogs. Glamour wigs of every colour, bright stockings and enough multi-coloured crinolines to make Cyndi Lauper drool.

Up the circular staircase (you really have to check out their site) is a virtual Aladdin's Cave - a gypsy caravan of party dresses. Apparently it's a favourite of young and old alike, with little girls revelling in the closet of princess dresses.

I did read a comment that this store was for grown-up girls, so maybe that's me. But I remember crinolines in the 80s when girls just wanted to have fun at places like Courage My Love in Kensington Market. I did come away however with rainbow-striped stockings for myself and slippers for my sister-in-law.

♫I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger. ♫

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Image 3


  1. just today, I bought some long sleeved hand-gloves w purple/green diamondshapedpattern, of the type that might be purchased at this store, hey, we can still get a thrill even tho, ♫so much older now!♫ :-)))
    the song played in my head.
    lovely post
    happy weekending, Beth


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