September 21, 2009

From This...

To this.

Just kidding. I'm trying to make my mum laugh.

Seriously though, we bought the first sofa at auction about 7 years ago and are just getting around to having it recovered. Like the above picture we will be using lots of colours. The inside will be the Suess Marble shown below. The outside will be a green and purple striped woven chenille - couldn't find a swatch to demonstrate - and the seat cushions will be Eggplant on "Her" days and Cognac on "His" days.

I'll show you the finished product soon.

The crazy couch, which I do love by the way, is from a London upholsterer, Squint Limited


  1. love the patterns you chose. going to be posting a final pic?

  2. You had me seriously worried there, for a minute! I just couldn't see you with that multi-patterned mess...


I'm interested in what you have to say.