September 15, 2009

Baby You Can Drive My Car

I don't drive so it's really funny to me when my husband points out various cars on the street or in print and says, "Hey, that's a Hazel car!"

From what he's picked out for me so far I guess I'm small, quirky, well-rounded with a good set of head lamps.

Here's a selection of what he would call "Hazel Cars".

The Nissan Figaro. I love this car. Made for the Japanese market in 1991 it's becoming a bit of a collectors item in North America and England. I would use this for my Spy Girl missions.

The Fiat Jolly. Aptly named, but unsafe at any speed. Where are the seatbelts? But look how cute. It's got wicker seats. This car was made in the early 60s. It would be my Provençal marketing car. "Bon Jour, Jean-Paul! Comment ça va?"

The 2CV. Swoon. A classic - but I'd have to smoke Gitanes to drive a Citroen. You could find this parked quayside next to my barge.

The Hillman - the ultimate Hazel Car probably because it's a looks a little bit mean and is the most "English" of the 4. One could be a sexy Miss Marple in this car heading for the book club.

Can you imagine the parking lot of your local mall dotted with these beauties? I'd love it.

I'll probably never learn to drive, but Baby, YOU can drive my car.


  1. I can certainly see a theme going here. But I like all of those cars. They are very stylish.

  2. The 2CV: I rode in one of these in Paris in 1979 and it was just a shell: all exterior, NO interior, if you get my drift. No seats, either. The driver sat on an old wooden chair. A bit dicey.

    Fun post!

  3. Same here (as in no license, no intention but like cars like these). I especially like the Figaro. Haven't noticed any here but probably not looking closely. My former whatever-one-calls-them-now used to yell out "There's a [my nickname] car!" every time he saw the apple green Volkswagen. Others did independently so I guess I'm a round, green M&M?

    The Citroen cracks me up always & forever because...a few young female university students in Strasbourg once drove a headmistress to such frantic frustration...that she took off in her (orange) Citroen, screaming obscenities in French & German. Was not heard from again. Thank goodness. Mean as a snake.


  4. love the spy cute little cars, wonder what this says about what he thinks of you...smiles.

  5. Nice to see these unusual and, no doubt, collectible cars. They are each adorable. I saw a Fiat Spyder the other day. I asked the drive "What year?" He answered "1977". It was a red convertible w/ a black top. Very cute. All I could think was that my girlfriend bought hers new back then and the damn thing broke down CONSTANTLY. I wondered about his but kept my mouth shut. He was very proud of it.

  6. First time I saw the Fiat Jolly and I really love it! I want to go there and see it for myself now.

  7. I've always loved 2CVs, but that Nissan has turned my head. That's not only a Hazel car -it's a Sandra car! It makes me think of the Noddy books.

  8. Sandra, Definitely Noddy!

    I was reminded of him several times putting this together but I didn't think anyone would remember him!

  9. WT does the same thing with my kinda cars, on the road or in film. "Look, Honey, there's your car!" he'll say. Looks like we both had cars on the mind this week! :^)

  10. I like the Nissan

    and really have a soft spot for 2CVs.


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