August 22, 2009

Once Upon a Time

Who did this little guy grow up to be?

He's not one of the Little Rascals, but grew up into a good looking rascal.

He's showing his true colours at an early age. He was one of Bob Dylan's favourite guitar players.

Any guesses?


  1. i have no idea...but a cute pic. started guitar at an early age obviously...

  2. Was? You mean one of the guys from RF is no more? Just saw them not too long ago on Letterman. Forget his darn name, can see him (the clues would point to the lead guy in that particular group...originated in Columbus,OH, same as yours truly).

    As I blast Dylan towards my neighbor's apt. Who is countering with German techno, I await the answer in a stormy, cruel Washington, DC. Not to be dramatic or anything....


  3. Susan/Giulia
    Who is RF? ANd this little guy is still alive, although he just turned 66 in July.

    Hey last night it was Dylan and German technopop side by side for G-Pup's 50th.

  4. Hmmm. Can't be what I thought--which was lead guy from Rascal Flatts. Bob likes them & they covered True Colors (or True Colours) would be cheating to go looking in Dylan's Chronicles I. (When the bleep is he gonna write the rest? He's probably playing with all of us.)

    Happy birthday to G-Pup...welcome to the club. (Though happy to report that when I admit/say aloud to people how old, they are truly astonished. The other day a woman had asked me if I'd had "work." The answer is nope but wow, what a nerve.)

    Dylan & German techno are both great & side-by-side at a time, though. Sean next door upped the ante a moment ago. Must think of what to do. Led Zep? He has powerful speakers, no. Must spend the $ on a laptop. The decision of which is driving me absolutely mad, BTW. (OK, worse than usual.)


  5. Great old the hat. Could it be Robbie Robertson of the Band?

  6. My husband is a Dyland freak. He says Dylan loved Robbie Robertson.

  7. Before I start googling, I'll take a quick guess - Eric Clapton?

    I couldn't wait - googled him - no, that can't be right. His birthday isn't in July. Back to the drawing board.

  8. < waving frantically > Oh! Oh! I know - call on me!! < /waving frantically >Woody Guthrie's birthday is July 14. That has to be the one.

    Google is my friend.

  9. Robbie is 66. We had such a Last Waltz-wasn't RR gorgeous festival recently, so I think it's Robbie. But I'm not Googling...& of course I thought of Woody but you said the person is alive. WG passed away quite a long time ago. Sadly. (I saw Arlo recently. Great.)


  10. Gene Cornish of The Young Rascals?


I'm interested in what you have to say.