August 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Mr. President

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, Mr. President
Happy Birthday to you.

Barack Obama shares his August 4th birthday with my equally dishy 20-year-old nephew. So I celebrated the day with lots of spaghetti, chocolate cake and wine while the nephew-pup unwrapped T-shirts emblazoned with beer innuendos!

Yesterday the small Caribbean island of Antigua named their highest peak Mount Obama. The 1,300 feet (396 meter) high mountain (shorter than the CN Tower) was formerly called Boggy Peak. A plaque at the bottom reads "Mount Obama, named in honor of the historical election on Nov. 4, 2008, of Barack Hussein Obama, the first black president of the United States of America, as a symbol of excellence, triumph, hope and dignity for all people."

Hear, hear! Pass the cake!

photo found on (I don't know where they got it from!)


  1. After reading the NYTimes & half-way through cleaning the floors, a little Pup-break. Thanks for the cheerful post...much needed. This is an adorable photo--do you know where it was taken? Also, happy birthday to the Neph-Pup. It sounds like carb-loaded fun free-for-all!


  2. happy birthday indeed. so wonderful about the mountain!!!

  3. Good for Antigua - I'll bet the Pres is chuffed! == and happy birthday to nephew pup.

  4. I posted a cool video of some pretty well known journalists/news folk singing "Happy Birthday" to the Prez on It was produced for and, for once, I didn't mind listening to the talking heads...sing.


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