June 21, 2009

What Fools These Mortals Be

I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,
Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine.
A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 2. Scene 1

Happy Summer everyone!


  1. Hi honey. Thank you. My husband was in the play. It's so lovely.

    I really mean it darling. Thank you. I'm in a horrible funk, but will find my way. I aways do. Thank you for stopping by and making a difference. Christ, another Canadian!!!! I swear to God I have know idea how I attract you guys!!! What?


  2. Hazel: thanks for the lovely excerpt, and that top piece of art is one I saw many years ago on a greeting card, and always loved it.

    Happy Summer to you too.

  3. nice selection to usher in the summer. the pic go so well with it too. happy summer!

  4. Another Mortal Fool, here. Somehow internet still on. Perhaps due to Midsummer Magic.

    Best production I've ever seen of this was outside at Carter Barron Ampitheatre here in DC. By Shakespeare Company...wonderful night.


  5. Happy Summer to you too. Wish New England weather would cooperate!

  6. well-chosen illustrations!
    Happy Summer Soltice to you.

  7. Here's hoping the fireflies shine happily on your Solstice celebration!

  8. Beautiful quote, Shakespeare always has the best words.

    And great pictures, especially the first one.

    Happy Summer to you too!

  9. I adore Shakespeare - my favorite play is The Tempest. Midsummer Night's... is so filled with nature and poetry. Love it.

    These images are enchanting!

  10. Well I will be happy when summer comes! All downhill from here as he days get a little longer and yours a little shorter!


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