May 4, 2009


Congratulations to Giulia Geranium for reaching her 1 year milestone. Or is that millstone?


  1. ooops. I just deleted 3 comments. Sorry folks!

  2. Original art? I am so impressed with this.

    And don't you touch that delete button, girlfriend!

  3. Fantastic! I like it very much!
    Thank you!

  4. Am not sure what I am looking at here - geraniums, a painting or modeling clay, cement? Am I missing out on some history here... None-the-less, she is very attractive.

  5. Corine, Hi, Happy Birthday - Yup, original art. There's a selection of my paintings down the side bar too.

    Margaret, hello - on an old canvas about 8X10 I put a thin coat of polyfilla leaving an edge or frame around the cement. I drew in the half-dried cement with a pencil and my finger. When the cement was almost dry I coloured it with acrylics using my finger. Giulia Geranium is a fellow blogger (her link is there but the highlight is hidden)who reached her one year blogging anniversary.

  6. Got it! Thank you. I hadn't come across Giulia Geraniam before. Will look out for her blog. Finger painted clays and cements, when hardened and sealed with shellac make good matrixes for prints, too. Lovely.

  7. very clever indeed, and an interesting technique. thanks also for your lovely comments the other day. love your blog.


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