May 22, 2009


I found this on The Sartorialist on May 20th. I loved this look the moment I saw it.

There's been some talk over at The Blue Kimono about the question of dressing appropriately for one's age. Some support it - but the majority of her commenters are all for individuality.

I'd like to defy the notion of dressing appropriately for one's age. I think that if a woman has the confidence to wear something bright and unique then she should go for it.

Knowing what suits your body helps a lot in this regard. For example boatnecks look bad on me and t-shirts are out because of my volu(m)ptousness. Queen Anne necklines and wide-legged pants suit me. One doesn't need to look like mutton dressed as lamb.

If I found the skirt above I would definitely wear it.

Some stores I like that fit the bill:

Boden - colourful, a full range of sizes and everything is just a little quirky. Well made too.

April Cornell/La Cache - Pretty, bright and unusual. I love their jackets.

Kumari - an eyeful of colour.

LL Bean - For the pants. The have a full range of petites and larger sizes. I like their velveteen jeans.

I also buy a lot of silky, brocade items from Indian, Tibetan or Chinese shops. Bright, different and they can really funkify jeans or a black skirt. And I shop at gently used places too.

Have a happy weekend everyone.


photo used by permission from Scott Schuman/The Sartorialist


  1. i would agree that women (and men) need to have the freedom to wear what they feel comfortable in, regardless of age....for the most part...seen a few things on the beach that i would put exceptions to...

    colorful attire...a little color, or a lot, goes a long way.

  2. I love those LL Bean velvet jeans, too!! I"ve got a pair in every colour!

  3. Brava, H-Pup. Saw this on TS & glad you used it. I completely agree with you & so no need for me to pontificate. Mutton dressed as lamb is one thing; to dress like a frump is quite another. I can't tell you how many times people have stopped me about one or two (this being a period of avoirdupois & limited wearables in wardrobe) things I wear all the time. I bet like anything they would not be considered "appropriate" by some people...but they were considered appropriate by French friends (who have excellent taste, not all Frenchies do, that's a myth) who gave them to me. xo svs

  4. This is gorgeous. Her hair scarf, the skirt...all of it. The skirt would actually make me look like a boat, but if the stripes were vertical, I'd be there!

    Ack Hazel, re your reference to my post: I hope you didn't think I was suggesting we should dress appropriately for our age, as if anyone can define such a thing. Not my intent--simply opening up a discussion on the subject.

    Lovely post!

  5. Brian (& others surely to follow):

    I am not talking about comfort here. That's a given: things should fit & look good (I have no money but I can sew enough to nip & tuck here & should all men & women).

    I am the first to screech (silently or to nearby friend) about Americans-in-pajamas out in the world. It includes many items appropriate for padding about the house in the early a.m. & late a.m. or when ill.) I'm talking personal style,even eccentric. Something that makes a person unique.

    We've all seen too much on the beach, at lakes, rivers, etc. That's not it. (I mean, that's not what I'm talking about. I want that stuff outlawed when I'm made Queen. Until then....:)

  6. Sallymandy, Sorry that wasn't my intention at all. I might have put it badly so I tweaked the text a little to respresent the dialogue over at your blog.

  7. i love this outfit! a little purple tulle under the skirt wold be fantastic. (i'm on a tulle kick at the moment!) wear what you want!

  8. I love color (although I most often wear gray, brown and blue) and I really LOVE when women dress with individual style.

    I think anything goes, as long as it suits the person . . . and I just happen to think that really tight and revealing clothing doesn't suit many women!

  9. I love that look too. The purple shirt looks great with the skirt. I once made a shirt out of scraps of leftover material; it looked great; probably someone's duster now.

  10. Hazel, it's a joy to make your acquaintance. I've been reading your comments to mutual blogfriends' posts and I've finally come around to meeting you. Thank you for stopping back at my place, and for your sweet comment therein.

    I love the colourful outfit. As you may have read over at Sallymandy's, I too am one for individuality. And a healthy dose of eccentricity, if need be. There's no age limit to style.

    Ciao and have a great weekend

  11. If what we wear makes us feel good then we exude confidence and that is what turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. Great post Hazel, xv.

  12. I think the woman in the photo looks fantastic; she is wearing the clothes, they aren't wearing her and she looks at ease. As you've pointed out, I think the more important thing is to find clothing that fit your body type. You and I are the same age (well, I just turned 47 on Monday) and I am so aware of that phrase "age appropriate" and I like to challenge it as often as possible too:)

  13. You would look FABULOUS in that look, from head to toe. You can pull that look off and completely age appropriate. I'm having that dilemma lately. I'm one year shy of 40 and not quite sure where I fit in, in the world of fashion. I'm somewhere in the between bohemian and preppy. Can't wait to find my groove.

  14. Happy weekend, Hazel!
    I try to wear something that doesn't have paint on it.....but also, at 62 I have found I don't look good with long hair (much like an olde girl) or dark eyeliner (an olde girl slut) and you would never catch me in sweat clothes (I hate 'em). I love skirts but can't seem to find many and love shift dresses WITH sleeves (again, almost impossible to find) so I settle for long capris, straight leg denims, and cotton blouses (that I iron, religiously)!
    I never go anywhere anyway so I don't know why I worry!

  15. To me, dressing age appropriately just means not wearing teeny bopper minis and skimpy midriffs at age 52! I'm all for dressing with creative flair and color. Color is always age appropriate! (love Boden, btw)

  16. What a wonderful site you have- I'm so glad to have found you! And thanks for visiting mine- I'm following you too:)

  17. Willow and Ima - Of course - good taste is the most important - at any age.

  18. I'll be imagining you wearing this skirt from now on.

    I have this dream of dressing freely and flamboyantly, but the thing is I'm terrible at taking other people's stares or attention. I'd wear the skirt too, but at home.

  19. That picture is a winner!

    "Knowing what suits your body helps a lot in this regard."

    Male or female, that's key as we head into our silvering years!


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