November 23, 2012

The Clever Pup's Guide to Making Christmas Work - A Place to Go - Toronto Christmas Market

photo via

 The title of these posts is a bit grandiose, but Christmas has changed in my house. My companions for the holidays are three adult males - my son, my husband and my brother. I love them to bits but Christmas is sinking into a blur of late mornings, too much beer and the Godfather trilogy. They don't even eat my baking! So for the next month I'm going to post about what think captures the true essence of the season. So wonder as I wander. Follow me.

Something I've been meaning to do is to visit The Distillery District's Christmas Market. It happens at Toronto's fantastic (yet still kind of hard to walk to) historic Distillery District.
It runs November 30th to December 16 and thanks to Lowe's it's free. When my son was small there was a German-style Christmas market at city hall. It didn't last but this market at the Distillery is inspired by the European markets of old. There will be unique and local handcrafted items for sale. And Santa and his elves will be roaming among the musicians, carolers, carousels and choirs. I hear there will be wine. Thank you. 

photo: The McLellan Group

photo: the Toronto Sun

For more information visit


  1. I'm heading to this with my sister sometime in Dec. I'll walk over from the Go at Union and she'll take the Ossington bus. Looks like a lot of fun.

  2. The Distillery District is important because it is historical and seems to be well maintained or renovated.

    Even though I am not Christian and haven't ever had Christmas presents, food or decoration, it is great that a community event happens in the Distillery District. Alas for me, travel is only possible in late June and all of July.

  3. Pup

    yes ma'am. I am also a lecturer in Christian, Muslim and Jewish art and architecture :)

  4. I'm a non-believing cultural Christian, Hels. My Christmases are based on atmosphere, comestibles and other trappings. Thanks for visiting, regardless...

  5. Pup

    I am always delighted when cities renovate and reuse old industrial complexes, which your Distillery District seems to have been. What is it used for now?


I'm interested in what you have to say.