May 4, 2012

Red Admiral Butterflies, Cherry Blossom, May 4th 2012

Like a fairytale,  this is what's going on in my backyard right now. A little hard to see but there must be 30 to 40 Red Admiral Butterflies on my cherry tree, delighting in the sun shine and the blossoms.


  1. I was at home yesterday and my tiny garden was filled with them. They loved sitting on my laundry on the line, and swooping around. They are much faster than Monarchs when they fly. I'm so glad I finally saw some.

  2. Magic indeed to have blossoms and butterflies all happening together. Thank you for sharing it with us, Hazel!

  3. My goodness, that is totally magical! wow! I would have been overwhelmed!

  4. Oh you are so lucky to have this "invasion" up there...the photo is lovely, Hazel.


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