January 4, 2010

The Fruits of My Labours - The First Painting of 2010

I think I will rename this one Still Life with Chinese Lanterns and Light-Sucking Black Avocado. Further down is the photo I took it from taken on my window sill in the summer.


  1. Yes, I remember this one! Very nice.
    Happy New Year, Clever Püpchen!

  2. I love that photo...I remember it from last year. Beautifully translated into another medium...back to warm teapot. xoxo

  3. Had to laugh...I just really saw the reference to the light-sucking avocado. :) Oh well.....

  4. But, but, if you change the name, all anyone will ever see in the painting is the avocado, which will suck the viewer in just as it, yeah, okay, sucks the light in. ;>) btw, I like the painting very much.

  5. Very nice, Hazel. Your yellow ware bowl is fabulous, btw.

  6. good job!
    wow I can hardly keep up with you these days...love the peeks of the house-chen

  7. Well, isn't this nice! Wonderfully, beautifully painted....
    But, as for the Black avocado, never use black, just don't do it. IF you are standing that close and looking at the still life, rather than a photo, the avocado would not appear as black (photos do that). Ask yourself that each time you are painting from a photo...."would this be that dark?" and then you know the answer will be, "no". Black sucks the life out of any painting.
    This from your art teacher.

  8. Merci Polly. I have an avocado on hand and I will try to remedy the situation.

  9. Let me see the final result?

  10. Hazel...how funny. I did not notice the light-sucking avocado until you mentioned it. I'm impressed as I always have been with your painting.


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