May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

"All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his."
~Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, 1895

Happy Mother's Day, Mum

love & kisses



Bee said...

I've always loved that witticism.

If I were more like my mother, I would be a better cook, and yet paradoxically thinner, more organized, and more likely to be on time!

Giulia said...


rosedale's 4head said...

i beg to differ, but i do have so much of a lot of her in daughter...she was a toss up...a wonder

love the short breath of your post, so poignant in that way...

Margaret Gosden said...

Happy Mother's Day Hazel. Oscar Wilde was never a favourite of mine. I prefer Noel Coward!

r garriott said...

Very witty indeed! Thanks for the humor!

Brian Miller said...

interesting quote. happy mothers day!

Diane said...

Have a good one!

Ima Wizer said...

Happy Mother's Day dear Hazel!

Anna said...

Tee hee. Happy Day!