April 29, 2009

Edmund Spenser said something about "teeth being pearls" so...

...it's the dentist for me today. Here's a picture of a 1927 flapper from the Pictorial Review paying her quarterly visit to her Doctor of Dental Surgery.


  1. as long as you keep those pearls in your mouth and not around your neck, you should be fine. have fun at the dentist. not my favorite place to go.

  2. oh and I accepted my award today. lol.

  3. The Flower Drum Song words come to mind!

    When men say I'm cute and funny
    And my teeth aren't teeth but pearls,
    I just lap it up like honey
    I enjoy being a girl.

    Hope there's no drilling involved.

  4. Be sure to rebel after the visit by sucking on a lollipop! I just LOVE this image!

  5. Flappers are my favorite. Such great style. I love those retro magazine pages. And I hate the dentist.

  6. i've had dental insurance for five years and have a hard time making that step...i'd rather comb my hair after a wash, after a direct dry---ouchy!

    i hope you did well...you are brave!

  7. I think that scarf might get in the way!


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